Asset poverty rate: 18.8%
Average college graduate debt: $26,111
Unbanked households: 4.2%
Economic well-being
Extreme poverty rate: 5%
Food insecurity: 9.8%
Minimum wage: $12.32
Number of Black or African American children living in families where no parent has full-time, year-round employment: N/A
Number of Hispanic or Latino children living in families where no parent has full-time, year-round employment: 118,000
Percent of individuals who are uninsured: 8%
Percent of jobs that are low-wage: 12.6%
Percent of working families under 200% of the poverty line: 23.3%
Poverty rate: 9.3%
Unemployment rate: 2.9%
High school graduation rate: 80.8%
Percent of adult population with at least a high school degree: 91.4%
Percent of college graduates with debt: 55%
Percent of population over age 25 with at least a four year college degree: 41.7%
Percent of teens ages 16 to 19 not attending school and not working: 5%
Children in foster care: 5,340
Number of households with grandparents responsible for grandchildren under age 18: 102,443
Percent of children in immigrant families: 21%
Percent of children living in single parent families: 27%
Teen birth rate per 1,000 population ages 15-19: 13.9%
Home foreclosure rate: 0.28%
People experiencing homelessness: 9,846
Households paying more than 50% of income on housing: 182,400
Percent renters: 35%
Total housing units: 2,257,815
Justice System
Incarcerated persons per 100,000 residents: 341
Number of youth residing in juvenile justice and correctional facilities: 753
Participation in federal programs
Adults and children receiving welfare (TANF): 33,335
Children receiving food stamps (SNAP): 203,000
EITC recipients: 332,000
Families receiving child care subsidies: 10,500
Households receiving federal rental assistance: 63,000
Households receiving LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program): 68,204
Number of children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP: 631,743
Number of women and children receiving WIC (Women, Infants and Children supplemental nutrition program): 79,719
Participants in all Head Start programs: 9,814
Poverty by demographic
Child poverty rate: 11%
Number of Asian and Pacific Islander children below 200% poverty: N/A
Number of Black or African American children below 200% poverty: N/A
Number of Hispanic or Latino children below 200% poverty: 183,000
Percent of single-parent families with related children that are below poverty: 22%
Senior poverty rate: 7.2%
Women in poverty: 10%

State governments play a significant role in developing policies that help support low-income families. Below is a list of some key Colorado policies and a link to an organization that tracks the issue.

Tax & Asset-Building Policy

Family and Work Supports