The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Appoints Robert Doar as First Fellow in Poverty Studies Program
Robert Doar, former commissioner of New York City’s Human Resources Administration under Mayor Bloomberg, has joined AEI as its first Morgridge Fellow in Poverty Studies. In particular, Doar’s research will explore health, education, and community participation among low-income children and young adults.
Doar has significant experience in the field of poverty reduction. As commissioner, he administered 12 public assistance programs including welfare, food assistance, and public health insurance. He has voiced support of these programs as critical to poverty reduction. “If you have a lot of people of low incomes who don’t have these kinds of supports, they really feel disconnected from the community. So whether it۪s food assistance, or food stamps, or the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), or child support collection, or health care coverage or HEAP, I want to make sure that we۪re making our ability for folks to access those programs better. That’s my number one priority,” he said.
Doar makes his first public appearance as Morgridge Fellow today at an AEI event examining the EITC and raising the minimum wage as antipoverty programs.
As the issues of poverty and opportunity continue to gain traction in the national conversation and on Capitol Hill, the Spotlight team applauds AEI for its increased focus on the issues facing vulnerable Americans and evidence-based solutions to fight poverty and promote opportunity for vulnerable Americans.
Posted by Tamanna
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