Private colleges are offering discounts at historic levels
“Now is a great time to find a (relative) bargain on a private college education.
The share of tuition and fee revenue these schools are devoting to grants rose to its highest level ever in the 2016 to 2017 academic year — 44.2% for all undergraduates and 49.1% for first-time, full-time freshman — according to a report released Monday by the National Association of College and University Business Officers or NACUBO, a membership organization representing 2,100 colleges and universities. The high levels of discounting means that almost all freshman attending these schools are getting some kind of deal; roughly 88% of first-time full-time freshmen at these schools received some sort of grant. ‘That is great news for students and families, it means that the chances of getting a grant to attend a private college are as high as they’ve ever been,’ said Ken Redd, NACUBO’s director of research and policy analysis. ‘But for institutions we see some signs of financial stress.’”