
November 10- 15, 2011: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—Nationwide poll on expanding the existing Medicaid program to cover uninsured adults regardless of whether they have children.

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(I’m going to read you a list of specific elements or parts of the law. For each, please tell me whether you think it is included in the (2010) health reform law, or not.) To the best of your knowledge, would you say the health reform law does or does not…expand the existing Medicaid program to cover low-income, uninsured adults regardless of whether they have children?


53%      Yes, included in the law


28%      No, not included in the law


19%      Don’t know/Refused



Subpopulation/Note:Asked of Form A half sample. 

Survey by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Methodology: Conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, November 10 – November 15,2011 and based on 1,209 telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. 704 respondents were interviewed on a landline telephone, and 505 were interviewed on a cell phone, including 285 who had no landline telephone.[USPSRA.11HTPNOV.R14B]


KaiserHealth Tracking Poll, Nov, 2011. Retrieved Dec-23-2011 from the iPOLL Databank,The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.



(Next, I’m going to read you several elements of the (2010) health reform law. As I read each one, please tell me whether you feel very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable about it.)…The law will expand the existing Medicaid program to cover low-income, uninsured adults regardless of whether they have children….(Read for first item, then as necessary:) Would you say you feel very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable about that?

34%      Very favorable


35%      Somewhat favorable


13%      Somewhat unfavorable


13%      Very unfavorable


6%       Don’t know/Refused



Subpopulation/Note:Asked of Form B half sample. 

Survey by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Methodology: Conducted byPrinceton Survey Research Associates International, November 10 – November 15,2011 and based on 1,209 telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. 704 respondents were interviewed on a landline telephone, and 505 were interviewedon a cell phone, including 285 who had no landline telephone.[USPSRA.11HTPNOV.R15B]



KaiserHealth Tracking Poll, Nov, 2011. Retrieved Dec-23-2011 from the iPOLL Databank,The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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