
New York Magazine, November 9, 2016: What Will Women’s Health Care Look Like Now?

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“It’s ironic, though, that anti-choice politicians would restrict abortion access or disavow certain forms of birth control because neither reduces the number of abortions women have. What does lower the abortion rate? Giving women unfettered access to effective birth-control methods, including long-acting ones like IUDs, which let them prevent unintended pregnancies. In fact, restricting terminations can lead to women self-inducing or attempting to self-induce an abortion, per a Texas study. Google data shows that women living in states like Mississippi, where it’s difficult to get an abortion, were more likely to search for the phrase ‘how to have a miscarriage.’ Women look for information on where to buy the medication-abortion drug misoprostol online, which herbs can induce abortion, and, yes, how to do a coat-hanger abortion.”

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