
National budget proposals would harm the poor; pullback in local support will make things worse

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“Across the country, recent headlines about the impact of the Trump administration’s proposed federal budget cuts to social safety net programs are dire and worrisome. ‘Analysis: Congregations can’t make up for proposed federal budget cuts,’ read the header on a story in the national Catholic magazine Crux. ‘Mean federal budget proposal hurts children,’ the Tennessean declared at the top of a story about how the cuts could set back Tennessee’s steady improvement in child well-being. In the Columbus Dispatch, it was ‘Federal budget cutters take aim at food stamps’ over a story noting that two-thirds of Ohio food stamp recipients are children, elderly or adults with disabilities. And in The Hill, US mayors warned that the proposed $6 billion cut in funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development could result in a public health crisis for residents of the country’s public housing.”

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