
Myra Young: Trump budget cuts would make our country weaker

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“The goal of the president’s budget is to ‘restore the greatness of our nation.’ To the president and myself, greatness must mean two very different things. I see the greatness of America in how we care for each other, how we support our neighbors when they are in need, and how we stand up for what is right. Greatness, to this administration, is none of that. It is not giving people a hand up, but pushing them down. It is taking from those who need support, taking from children, seniors and the poor. SNAP, which most of you know by its old name, food stamps, is a lifeline. It is a program that helps not only feed our children but supports workers when wages are too low. It allows people to use their money toward rent or to pay for tokens to get to work without having to take food away from their children.”

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