
March 29-April 4, 2012: Democracy Corps/Women۪s Voices. Women Vote Poll—Poll conducted in battleground districts on perceptions of Congress.

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(Now I am going to read you some of the thingscritics are saying about name of House incumbent and the Republican Congress.After I read each one, please tell me whether this raises very serious doubts,serious doubts, minor doubts, or no real doubts in your own mind aboutRepublicans in Congress and name of House incumbent.)…Name of House incumbentvoted to leave our most vulnerable citizens out in the cold during hard times,with 62 percent of the cuts coming from programs for lower-income Americans whoare struggling most during the recession, including food stamps, aid forcollege education, federal housing aid and health care.


24%      VerySerious DoubtsSP5.3 2.png

33%      SeriousDoubts

16%      MinorDoubts

22%      NoReal Doubts

5%       Don۪tKnow/Refused


Subpopulation/Note: Asked of Form D half sampleof those in Republican districts. The incumbent’s name was inserted.


Survey by Democracy Corps, Women’s Voices.Women Vote. Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, March29 – April 4, 2012 and based on 1,500 telephone interviews. Sample: Likelyvoters in Republican/Democratic held battleground districts. Likely voters areregistered voters who voted in the 2008 election/weren’tregistered/ineligible/too young to vote and said they are probably or almostcertain to vote in the 2012 election. The survey included 1000 likley voters in56 Republican-held battleground districts and 500 likely voters in 23Democratic-held battleground districts. Respondents were interviewed onlandline telephones and cell phones. [USGREEN.12DCAPR.R67]

Formal Citation

Democracy Corps/Women’s Voices. Women VotePoll, Mar, 2012. Retrieved May-3-2012 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Centerfor Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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