June 23, 2014: Center for American Progress–Nationwide Poll on Paid Leave and Role of Women in the Workplace
“Women۪s roles and opportunities in theworkplace have expanded greatly in recent decades. I۪m going to read twostatements. Which statement do you think is more representative of where womenare today? Here۪s the first one: Women are still discriminated against in allareas of life, and the workplace is no exception.۪ Here۪s the second one:Women have made most of the progress they need to make to achieve equality inthe workplace.۪”
Women are still discriminated against in all areas of life,including the workplace 51%
Women have made most of the progress necessary to achieveequality 42%
Not sure 6%
“Now I۪m going to ask about severalpolicy ideas that federal and state policymakers could consider in order tohelp keep working families more economically secure. Please say if you wouldsupport or oppose each of these ideas. The first is a minimum number of paidsick days per year.”
Support 75%
Oppose 13%
Not sure 11%
“The next is paid family leave in casesomeone has a child or an immediate family member gets sick.”
Support 71%
Oppose 16%
Not sure 13%
“The next is equal pay for equal work,regardless of gender.”
Support 92%
Oppose 5%
Not sure 3%
“50 years ago, 25% of women were theirfamily۪s primary breadwinner or co-breadwinner. Today, nearly two-thirds ofwomen are the primary or co-breadwinner. Considering this change, how much doyou think our public policies and workplace policies have kept up with thischange? Do you think they۪ve kept all the way up, mostly, somewhat, a little,or not at all?”
Kept all the way up 14%
Mostly kept up 28%
Kept up somewhat 31%
Kept up a little 15%
Haven’t kept up at all 7%
Not sure 5%
via the Center for American Progress
Field Dates: June 18-19, 2014
Universe: Country: United States
Method: telephone
Sample Size: 832registered voters