June 15-19, 2011: Pew Research Center Poll—Nationwide poll on the quality of healthcare provided by Medicaid.
“(From what you know, how good a job does each of the following do serving the people it covers?) Does…Medicaid, which provides health and long-term care to low-income people, do an excellent, good, only fair, or poor job serving the people it covers?”
6% Excellent
30% Good
40% Only Fair
14% Poor
10% Don۪t know/Refused
Survey by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. Methodology:Conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, June 15 – June19, 2011 and based on 1,502 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult. 1001 respondents were interviewed on a landline telephone, and 501 were interviewed on a cell phone, including 200 who had no landline telephone.[USPSRA.070711.R49C]
Formal Citation
Pew Research Center for the People, Jun, 2011. Retrieved Jul-14-2011 from theiPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/ipoll/ipoll.html