July 14-30, 2011: Public Religion Research Institute Poll—Nationwide poll on the clergy۪s awareness of poverty.
“Thinkingagain about your place of worshipDoes the clergy at your place of worship everspeak aboutpoverty?”
87% Yes
12% No
1% Don۪tknow/Refused
Methodology:Conducted by
Public Religion Research
Institute, July 14 – July 30, 2011
and based on 3,000 telephone
interviews. Sample: national
adult. Interviews were
conducted by Directions in
Research. 2000 respondents
were interviewed on a landline
telephone, and 1000 were
interviewed on a cell phone.
The survey was funded by
the Arcus Foundation. [USPRRI.11GAY.R29D]
Formal Citation
Generations at Odds – The Millennial Generationand the Future of Gay and Lesbian Rights Survey, Jul, 2011. RetrievedSep-8-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public OpinionResearch, University of Connecticut.http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/ipoll/ipoll.html