
January 10-14, 2013: Democracy Corps Poll—Nationwide poll on the Republican and Democratic parties and aid to the poor

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(Now for something a little different. I want to ask you aboutthe Republican Party. I’m going to read you a list of issues. For each issue,do you see the Republican Party as growing extreme and out of touch or do yousee the party as pretty mainstream?)…Aid to the poor…(If Extreme, ask:) (Doyou feel that way strongly or not so strongly?)

 35%   Mainstream

 21%   Extreme not strongly

 39%   Extreme strongly

*         Both

1%      Neither

5%    Don۪t know/Refused

Subpopulation/Note:Asked of Form B half sample. * = less than .5%.

Survey byDemocracy Corps. Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research,January 10 – January 14, 2013 and based on 950 telephone interviews. Sample:National voters. Voters are registered voters who voted in the 2012election/weren’t registered/ineligible/too young to vote.[USGREEN.13DCJAN.R082]

(Now for something a little different. I want to ask you aboutthe Democratic Party. I’m going to read you a list of issues. For each issue,do you see the Democratic Party as growing extreme and out of touch or do yousee the party as pretty mainstream?)…Aid to the poor…(If Extreme, ask:) (Doyou feel that way strongly or not so strongly?)

53%       Mainstream

15%       Extreme not strongly

26%       Extreme strongly

   *         Both

   *         Neither

6%        Don۪t know/Refused

Subpopulation/Note:Asked of Form A half sample. * = less than .5%.

Survey byDemocracy Corps. Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research,January 10 – January 14, 2013 and based on 950 telephone interviews. Sample:National voters. Voters are registered voters who voted in the 2012election/weren’t registered/ineligible/too young to vote.[USGREEN.13DCJAN.R073]


DemocracyCorps Poll, Jan, 2013. Retrieved Feb-12-2013 from the iPOLL Databank, The RoperCenter for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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