
Jan 17-21, 2014: CBS News Nationwide poll on income inequality

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“Do you think the gap between the rich and the poor in the US isgetting larger, getting smaller, or has it stayed the same?” 


  Total   Republican  Democrat  Independent
 larger  70%  56%  73%  75%
 smaller  5%  7%  3%  6%
 same  24%  36%  22%  18%
 don’t know/ no answer   2%  2%  3%  3%



“Thinking about your household income, would you say that it ismore than enough so that you can save money or buy some extras, just enough tomeet your bills and obligations, or is it not enough to meet your bills andobligations?”


  Total   Republican  Democrat  Independent
 can save and buy extras  23%  28%  21%  21%
 just enough to pay bills  50%  52%  54%  47%
 not enough to pay bills, etc.  25%  19%  24%  29%
 don’t know/ no answer   2%  1%  1%  3%


Universe: Country: United States
Date: Jan. 23, 2014
Source: CBS News

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