Gov. Kasich: Neither party ‘cares about helping poor people’
“‘Both parties ought to be worried about poor people because I don’t think either party particularly cares about helping poor people,’ said Kasich, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican presidential nomination last year, often positioning himself as a moderate seeking bipartisan solutions. ‘You look at the rates of poverty, the problems in this country. We have not designed a system to get people work. Everything we’re talking about now — getting people healthy, giving them health care — is designed to get them to work. It’s designed to give them an opportunity to have a better life.’ ‘This is the craziest time I’ve ever seen in politics,’ Kasich told Bash after she showed him an ad funded by America First Policies, a White House-aligned political action committee, targeting Republican Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada for speaking out against the health care bill that the Senate GOP unveiled last week.”