The Fight for Health Care Has Always Been About Civil Rights
“It was a cold March night when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. turned his pulpit towards health care. Speaking to a packed, mixed-race crowd of physicians and health-care workers in Chicago, King gave one of his most influential late-career speeches, blasting the American Medical Association and other organizations for a ‘conspiracy of inaction’ in the maintenance of a medical apartheid that persisted even then in 1966. There, King spoke words that have since become a maxim: ‘Of all the inequalities that exist, the injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhuman.’ In the moment, it reflected the work that King and that organization, the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), were doing to advance one of the since-forgotten pillars of the civil-rights movement: the idea that health care is a right. To those heroes of the civil-rights movement, it was clear that the demons of inequality that have always haunted America could not be vanquished without the establishment and protection of that right.”