
February 7-9, 2011: Democracy Corps Poll—Nationwide poll solicits the public۪s views on cutting education funding and school nutrition program funding.

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“Now I am going to read you some of the specific spending cuts proposed in the House Republicans’ budget for this year (2011). After I read each one, please tell me whether you favor or oppose it….It cuts funding for K-12 education and support for special education, students with disabilities and schools in high poverty areas, cutting off almost 4 million students and losing thousands of teachers. (If Favor/Oppose, ask:) (Is that strongly or somewhat favor oppose?)”

8% Strongly favor02072011_2.jpg

10% Somewhat favor

18% Somewhat oppose

60% Strongly oppose

4% Don’t know/Refused

Subpopulation/Note: Asked of Form A half sample.

Survey by Democracy Corps. Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, February 7 – February 9, 2011 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: national likely voters. Likely voters are registered voters who voted in the 2008 election/weren’t registered/ineligible/too young to vote and said they are probably or almost certain to vote in the 2012 election. [USGREEN.11DCFEB.R064]

Formal Citation

Democracy Corps Poll, Feb, 2011. Retrieved Mar-21-2011from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research,University of Connecticut.

“(Now I am going to read you some of the specific spending cuts proposed in the House Republicans’ budget for this year (2011). After I read each one, please tell me whether you favor or oppose it.)…It makes major cuts in help for the poor, including school funding in poor neighborhoods and removing 600,000 people from the nutrition program for women, infants and children. (If Favor/Oppose, ask:) (Is that strongly or somewhat favor oppose?)”

12% Strongly favor02072011.jpg

18% Somewhat favor

18% Somewhat oppose

48% Strongly oppose

4% Don’t know/Refused

Subpopulation/Note: Asked of Form B half sample.

Survey by Democracy Corps. Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, February 7 – February 9, 2011 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: national likely voters. Likely voters are registered voters who voted in the 2008 election/weren’t registered/ineligible/too young to vote and said they are probably or almost certain to vote in the 2012 election. [USGREEN.11DCFEB.R069]

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