
April 5-8, 2010: George Washington University Battleground 2010 Survey—Nationwide poll solicits the public۪s views on the relative importance of issues including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, health care reform, and Social Security.

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“(Now Iwould like to read you a list of issues that some people from this part of thecountry have said are important to them.) And which issue do you think is nextmost important (for Congress to work on)?…The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,illegal immigration, taxes, terrorism and homeland security, governmentspending, health care reform, retirement and Social Security, the economy andjobs, reforming Wall Street”

13%     The wars inIraq and Afghanistan

8%       Illegalimmigration

7%       Taxes

9%       Terrorism andhomeland security

12%     Governmentspending

18%     Health carereform

10%     Retirement andSocial Security

16%     The economy andjobs

6%       Reforming WallStreet

*           Combination/Equally(Vol.)

*           Other(Vol.)

*           None (Vol.)

1%       Unsure

Subpopulation/Note: . * = less than.5%.

Survey by George Washington University. Methodology:Conducted by Tarrance Group & Lake Research Partners, April 5 – April 8,2010 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: national likely voters.Likely voters are registered voters who said they are somewhat/very/extremelylikely to vote in 2010. [USTARR.10BATT3.R05]


GeorgeWashington University Battleground 2010 Survey, Apr, 2010. Retrieved Nov-9-2010from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research,University of Connecticut.

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