
April 14-17, 2011: ABC News/Washington Post Poll—Nationwide poll solicits the public۪s views on support for cutting spending on Medicaid in order to reduce the national debt.

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“In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose…cutting spending on Medicaid, which is the government health insurance program for the poor? (If Support/Oppose, ask:) Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?”


04142011.png14%      Support strongly


16%      Support somewhat


17%      Oppose somewhat


52%      Oppose strongly


2%       No opinion

Survey by ABC News, Washington Post. Methodology: Conducted by Langer Research Associates, April 14 – April 17, 2011 and based on 1,001 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult. The interviews included landline and cell-phone-only respondents. The interviews were conducted by TNS Intersearch. [USABCWP.042011.R17A]


Formal Citation

ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Apr, 2011. Retrieved May-5-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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