
November 6-10, 2008: Associated Press/Gfk Poll—Nationwide poll on the importance of poverty reduction under the Obama administration.

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“(How much of a priority should each of the following be for the new president (Barack Obama)? Would you say each one should be a top priority, an important but lower priority, not an important priority, or should not be done.) How about…dealing with the problems of poor people?”


66.png50% A top priority


38% An important priority


8% Not an important priority


2% Should not be done


1% Don۪t know


Subpopulation/Note: .

Survey by Associated Press. Methodology: Interviewing conducted by Gfk Roper Public Affairs & Media, November 6 – November 10, 2008 and based on 1,001 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult. Interviews were conducted with 801 respondents on landline telephones and 200 on cellular phones. [USAP.111108G.R13I]


Formal Citation

Associated Press/Gfk Poll, Nov, 2008. Retrieved Sep-9-2010 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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