Why Apply for the 2013-14 Ideas for Action Award: Past Winners Make the Case
The deadline to apply for the 2013-14 Ideas for Action Award is fast approaching, and Spotlight is working with past winners to help show the value of applying for and benefiting from this opportunity. The award, sponsored by the Northwest Area Foundation, in partnership with the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington and the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, honors new thinking and programs across the country that help low-income people build better futures for themselves and their families.
For this cycle, the sponsors have upped the cash prize. Winners will take home anywhere from$15,000 to $50,000. To many smaller organizations and non-profits around the country, this prize can either provide significant support to existing programs or help launch new campaigns aimed at serving vulnerable households.
This week, Spotlight launched a visual campaign on our social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter), illustrating what this money meant to last year۪s winners in three unique images.
If you haven۪t already submitted your proposal, the deadline to apply for the award is January 24, 2014.
Posted by Tamanna
Here at Out of the Spotlight, we offer a behind-the-scenes look at the latest news and information essential to anyone working to fight poverty. From key political appointees to clashes over policy, we cover the news that doesn’t always make the evening news. Check out Out of the Spotlight for our take on the twists and turns of the latest political developments and their impact on poverty reduction. Topics and ideas are welcome! Just contact mlaracy@aecf.org or watersboots@hotmail.com.