New Study on Impact of Medicaid Brings Together Politically Diverse Researchers
An historic study released by the National Bureau of Economic Research last weekoffers important information in the debate on Medicaid. According to the study,poor people who receive Medicaid are healthier mentally and physically, seedoctors more often, and are more financially stable than those who do not.
A NewYork Times article and NPRpiece give national attention to the study, which is the first controlledassessment of the impact of Medicaid. It offers a clearly researched rebuttalto those who oppose Medicaid by asserting, among other things, that the safetynet of emergency rooms and free clinics is enough to cover the health needs ofthose living in poverty.
Interestingly, the researchers come from diversepolitical backgrounds. Kate Baicker, professor of health economics at theHarvard school of Public Health, was a principal investigator of the study and a top health economist for President George W. Bush, serving as a Member ofthe President۪s Council of Economic Advisers. Another author, Jonathan Gruber,was an advisor to the Obama administration.
Despite political differences, the authors agree Medicaid makes a huge difference in the lives of poor people, and therigorously controlled environment of this study makes it difficult to argueotherwise. The researchers will continueto analyze the data and follow up with thousands of study participants,providing guidance to policy makers grappling with difficult decisions abouthow best to help those living in poverty.
Posted by Lena
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