Miami Mayor Steps out of the Spotlight . . . into the Cabinet?
“Out of the Spotlight” Postings for November 24th
Miami Mayor Steps out of the Spotlight . . . into the Cabinet? Manny Diaz, Mayor of Miami and President of the United States Conference of Mayors, may be the first Spotlight commentary author to make it into President-elect Obama۪s cabinet.
Is it fair to say Spotlight vaulted him onto the national stage? Just before the election, Mayor Diaz used Spotlight to urge the next president to take strong action on poverty, including introducing a new poverty measure, creating a cabinet position dedicated to poverty reduction, and investing in new programs to promote opportunity for millions of Americans.
Mayor Diaz has recently been at the forefront of national efforts to address poverty. As President of the United States Conference of Mayors, he helped to organize an Action Forum on Poverty in Los Angeles last September and has developed a number of anti-poverty programs in his own city of Miami. Although Obama hasn۪t yet announced a new poverty cabinet position dedicated to poverty, Diaz may find opportunities to fight poverty and help those struggling to make it at a national level. According to the AP, Manny Diaz is being considered for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Looks like Spotlight is not only the one-stop-shop for poverty news and viewsit۪s also a proving ground for tomorrow۪s leaders on poverty!
Posted by Mike, November 24, 2008
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