Under Trump, Medicaid Faces a ‘Reset Moment’

“Last fall, South Dakota voters approved a ballot measure that will allow lawmakers to impose a work requirement for Medicaid recipients. Now some lawmakers want the flexibility to abolish parts of the health insurance program if the feds cut spending for it.
“We are very aware that the federal budget situation could lead to a shift of Medicaid expansion costs from the federal government to the states,” says GOP state Rep. Tony Venhuizen, a sponsor of both ballot measures. “If that happens, South Dakota should have the flexibility to consider the budget implications of continued participation.”
Lawmakers in all states are wondering what sort of cuts may be coming for Medicaid. It’s the single-largest spending program in state budgets, counting federal revenues, and it’s being targeted for cuts this year in Congress. President-elect Donald Trump and the GOP majority are looking for ways to offset the cost of extending and expanding the tax cuts enacted in 2017, during Trump’s first term, which otherwise could expire.”
Read more at Governing.