
Trump Administration Can Protect Funds Intended for Disabled and Low-Income

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Millions of federal funds meant to aid disabled individuals and low-income families are being inappropriately diverted before reaching the vulnerable populations they’re intended to help. These funds are being skimmed away by unions claiming that they’re entitled to these dues. Ensuring that money from federal assistance programs like Medicaid reach the needy should be of highest aim, and a new policy brief recommends ways to end this ‘dues skim’ and increase support for Americans with disabilities and low-income families. How to Stop the ‘Dues Skim’ of Federal Home Health Care and Child Care Fundingpublished today by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy — explores the ongoing, national problem of dues skimming and recommends how to end it. These arrangements divert money away from health care and child care providers, who receive modest government stipends for taking care of family members, neighbors or friends in their own homes.

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