September 26-30, 2012: Democracy Corps/Women۪s Voices. Women Vote.—Nationwide poll on President Obama and Governor Romney۪s economic policies.
Now I am going to read you some things that some people have written about Barack Obama. Please try and listen carefully, as I’m going to read several long statements. After I read you the list, I want you to tell me which two stand out as raising the most doubts about Barack Obama….Fewer Americans are working today than when Obama took office and take home pay has gone down. Obama’s policies have hindered small businesses and made it harder for companies to hire again. Under Barack Obama, our economy has lost 582,000 manufacturing jobs because Obama has not stood up to China and for Americans workers who lose out to China’s unfair trade practices. The fact is, Barack Obama does not understand business. He has never run a business and does not understand what it takes to create jobs or confidence in the market to make our economy work. President Obama took the work requirement out of welfare. Obama wants to convert the safety net into a system that traps able-bodied people into lives of dependency. Obama’s policies are making it harder on women. The poverty rate for women is the highest in 17 years. More than 5 and a half million women can’t find work.
34% Fewer Americans are working today than when Obama took office and take
home pay has gone down. Obama۪s policies have hindered small businesses
and made it harder for companies to hire again
29% Under Barack Obama, our economy has lost 582,000 manufacturing jobs
because Obama has not stood up to China and for Americans workers who lose
out to China۪s unfair trade practices
29% The fact is, Barack Obama does not understand business. He has never run a
business and does not understand what it takes to create jobs or confidence in
the market to make our economy work
28% President Obama took the work requirement out of welfare. Obama wants to
convert the safety net into a system that traps able-bodied people into lives of
18% Obama۪s policies are making it harder on women. The poverty rate for women
is the highest in 17 years. More than 5 and a half million women can۪t find work
5% All (Vol.)
22% None (Vol.)
4% Don۪t know/Refused
Subpopulation/Note: . Adds to more than 100% due to multiple responses.
Survey by Democracy Corps, Women’s Voices. Women Vote. Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, September 26 – September 30, 2012 and based on 800 telephone interviews. Sample: National likely voters. Likely voters are registered voters who voted in the 2008 election/weren’t registered/ineligible/too young to vote and said they are probably or almost certain to vote in the 2012 election. [USGREEN.12DCOCT09.R56]
Now I am going to read you some things that some people have written about Mitt Romney. After I read you the list, I want you to tell me which two stand out as raising the most doubts about Mitt Romney….Mitt Romney said, ‘There are 47 percent who are with (Barack) Obama, dependent upon government and believe that they are victims entitled to health care, food, and housing. My job is not to worry about those people.’ Most of the 47 percent are the children of the working poor, the elderly on Social Security, veterans, and people who are unemployed and struggling to get back to work. Romney’s tax plans would raise taxes on low-income Americans and the working poor by 1400 dollars, pushing the families of 2 million children back into poverty. Mitt Romney seems ready to change and really cut things like Medicare, that those 47 percent depend on. The problem is not working people paying too few taxes but that big banks get bailed out, wealthy and special interests use loopholes and get breaks to avoid taxes.
39% Mitt Romney said, There are 47 percent who are with Obama, dependent upon
government and believe that they are victims entitled to health care, food, and
housing. My job is not to worry about those people”
32% Most of the 47 percent are the children of the working poor, the elderly on
Social Security, veterans, and people who are unemployed and struggling to
get back to work
28% Romney۪s tax plans would raise taxes on low-income Americans and the working
poor by 1400 dollars, pushing the families of 2 million children back into poverty
25% Mitt Romney seems ready to change and really cut things like Medicare, that
those 47 percent depend on
25% The problem is not the working people paying too few taxes but that big banks
get bailed out, wealthy and special interests use loopholes and get breaks to
avoid taxes
5% All (Vol.)
14% None (Vol.)
6% Don۪t know/Refused
Subpopulation/Note: Asked of Form D half sample. Adds to more than 100% due to multiple responses.
Survey by Democracy Corps, Women’s Voices. Women Vote. Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, September 26 – September 30, 2012 and based on 800 telephone interviews. Sample: National likely voters. Likely voters are registered voters who voted in the 2008 election/weren’t registered/ineligible/too young to vote and said they are probably or almost certain to vote in the 2012 election. [USGREEN.12DCOCT09.R52]
Formal Citation
Democracy Corps/Women’s Voices. Women Vote Poll, Sep, 2012. Retrieved Oct-26-2012 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.