
Research Archive: Mobility and Opportunity, 2005-2013

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Rebuilding Social Capital Through Community Institutions

Mary Clare Reim, The Heritage Foundation, December 2013

Moving On Up: Why Do Some Americans Leave the Bottom of the Economic Ladder, but Not Others?

Economic Mobility Project, Pew Charitable Trusts, November 2013

The Glass Floor: Education, Downward Mobility, and Opportunity

Richard V. Reeves and Kimberly Howard, The Brookings Institution, November 2013

Improving Children’s Life Chances: Estimates from the Social Genome Model

Kerry Searle Grannis and Isabel Sawhill, The Brookings Institution, October 2013

The Economic Impacts of Tax Expenditures: Evidence from Spatial Variation across the U.S.

Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Patrick Kline and Emmanuel Saez, Harvard University and The University of California-Berkeley, July 2013

Boosting Economic Mobility Through Prized-Linked Savings

Stuart M. Butler, David C. John and Sean Rust, The Heritage Foundation,May 2013

Middle Childhood Success and Economic Mobility

J. Lawrence Aber, Kerry Searle Grannis, Stephanie Owen and Isabel V. Sawhill, The Brookings Institution, February 2013

America’s Opportunity for All

The Heritage Foundation, February 2013

Can the American Dream Be Saved?

Stuart Butler, National Affairs, Issue No. 14, Winter 2013

Improving Economic Mobility Through Increased Savings

Diane Calmus, The Heritage Foundation, December 2012

Pursuing the American Dream: Economic Mobility Across Generations

Economic Mobility Project and The Pew Charitable Trusts, July 2012

Economic Mobility of the States

Economic Mobility Project and The Pew Charitable Trusts, May 2012

Housing Wealth and Higher Education: Building a Foundation for Economic Mobility

Economic Mobility Project and The Pew Charitable Trusts, December 2011

The State of Young America: Economic Barriers to the American Dream

Dēmos and Young Invincibles, November 2011

Creating Pathways to Opportunity

The White House, October 2011

The Unsustainable Welfare State: Reform is Necessary

The Heritage Foundation, June 2010

Expanding Baltimore’s Black Middle Class: Workforce Strategies for Advancing Prosperity

Job Opportunities Task Force and Associated Black Charities, June 2010

Job Sprawl in Metro New Orleans: Based on 2008 Local Employment Dynamics Data from the U.S. Census

Allison Plyer, Greater New Orleans Community Data Center and Richard Campanella, Tulane University
June 2010

The Benefits and Costs of the Section 8 Housing Subsidy Program: A Framework and First-Year Estimates (pdf)

Deven Carlson, Robert Haveman, Thomas Kaplan and Barbara Wolfe, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, May 2010

U.S. Family Structure and the Economic Mobility of Children

Thomas DeLeire and Leonard M. Lopoo, Economic Mobility Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts, May 2010

KIDS COUNT 2010 Special Report: Early Warning! Why Reading by the End of Third Grade Matters (pdf)

Leila Fiester and Ralph Smith, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, May 2010

Early Findings From New York City’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program (pdf)

James A. Riccio, Fast Focus, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, May 2010

Making the 1996 Welfare Reform Work: The Promise of a Job

Anthony J. Mallon, Virginia Commonwealth University and Guy V.G. Stevens, Federal Reserve Board (ret.), National Poverty Center, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, April 2010

The Obama Effect: A New Future for Inequality? (pdf)

Pathways Magazine, Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality, April 2010

Rising to the Challenge: Hispanic College Graduation Rates as a National Priority

Andrew P. Kelly, Mark Schneider and Kevin Carey, American Enterprise Institute, March 2010

The 2009 Index of Dependence on Government

William Beach, The Heritage Foundation, March 2010

New Homes, New Neighborhoods, New Schools: A Progress Report on the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program (pdf)

Lora Engdahl, Poverty and Race Research Action Council, October 2009

Child Poverty and Intergenerational Mobility

Sarah Fass, Kinsey Alden Dinan and Yumiko Aratani, National Center for Children in Poverty, December 2009

With Their Whole Lives Ahead of Them: Myths and Realities about Why So Many Students Fail to Finish College

Public Agenda, December 2009

Building Illinois’ Workforce of the Future

Meegan Dugan Bassett, Women Employed, November 2009

Pathways: Are Green Jobs a Silver Bullet

Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality, November 2009

Getting Good Jobs to People of Color

Algernon Austin, Economic Policy Institute, November 2009

Building a Foundation for Family Economic Success (pdf)

John Quinterno, The Working Poor Families Project, November 2009

National Service and Youth Unemployment: Strategies for Job Creation Amid Economic Recovery

Melissa Boteach, Joy Moses and Shirley Sagawa, Center for American Progress, November 2009

Measuring Up: A Midwestern perspective on the National Report Card, 2002-2008

Educational Policy Institute and the Midwestern Higher Education Compact, October 2009

Adult Education for Work: Transforming Adult Education to Build a Skilled Workforce

National Center on Education and the Economy, Workforce Development Strategies Group, October 2009

Strengthening Community Colleges’ Influence on Economic Mobility

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Louis Jacobson and Christine Mokher, Economic Mobility Project, Pew Charitable Trusts, October 2009

What Works for Summer Learning Programs for Low-Income Children and Youth (pdf)

Mary Terzian and Kristin A. Moore, Child Trends, September 2009

2009 National Poll: Struggling to Make Ends Meet

Northwest Area Foundation, September 2009

Transition to Adulthood: African American Youth and Youth from Low-Income Working Families

Marla McDaniel and Daniel Kuehn, The Urban Institute, August 2009

More Guidance, Better Results? Three-Year Effects of an Enhanced Student Services Program at Two Community Colleges

Susan Scrivener and Michael J. Weiss with Jedediah J. Teres, MDRC, August 2009

Neighborhoods and the Black-White Mobility Gap (pdf)

Patrick Sharkey, Economic Mobility Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts, July 2009

Reauthorizing the Workforce Investment Act: A Down Payment on a Workforce Development System for the 21st Century

Jobs for the Future, June 2009

Extending Foster Care to Age 21: Weighing the Costs to Government against the Benefits to Youth

Clark M. Peters, Amy Dworsky, Mark E. Courtney and Harold Pollack, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, June 2009

Setting Up Success in Developmental Education: How State Policy Can Help Community Colleges Improve Student Outcomes (pdf)

Michael Lawrence Collins, Jobs for the Future, June 2009

Diplomas and Dropouts: Which Colleges Actually Graduate Their Students (and Which Don’t)

Frederick M. Hess, Mark Schneider, Kevin Carey and Andrew P. Kelly, American Enterprise Institute, June 2009

Middle-Wage Jobs in Metropolitan America

Paul Sommers and Drew Osborne, The Brookings Institution, Metropolitan Policy Program, June 2009

Working Learners: Educating Our Entire Workforce for Success in the 21st Century

Louis Soares, Center for American Progress, June 2009

Transforming America’s Community Colleges: A Federal Policy Proposal to Expand Opportunity and Promote Economic Prosperity (pdf)

Sara Goldrick-Rab, Douglas N. Harris, Christopher Mazzeo and Gregory Kienzl, The Brookings Institution, May 2009

Promoting Economic Mobility by Increasing Postsecondary Education (pdf)

Ron Haskins, Harry Holzer and Robert Lerman, Economic Mobility Project, Pew Charitable Trusts, May 2009

Closing the Gap: Meeting California’s Need for College Graduates (pdf)

Hans Johnson and Ria Sengupta, Public Policy Institute of California, May 2009

Strengthening One-Stop Career Centers: Helping More Unemployed Workers Find Jobs and Build Skills

Louis S. Jacobson, The Brookings Institution, The Hamilton Project, April 2009

Out of Reach: Persistent Problems, New Challenges for Renters

Keith E. Wardrip, Danilo Pelletiere and Sheila Crowley, National Low-Income Housing Coalition, April 2009

Community Colleges: A Route to Upward Economic Mobility (pdf)

Natalia Kolesnikova, The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, March 2009

Opinion Poll on Economic Mobility and the American Dream

Economic Mobility Project, March 2009

The Future of Middle-Skill Jobs

Harry J. Holzer and Robert I. Lerman, The Brookings Institution, February 2009

The Other College: Retention and Completion Rates Among Two-Year College Students

Molly F. McIntosh and Cecilia Elena Rouse, Center for American Progress, February 2009

Stimulus for America’s Community Colleges

Sara Goldrick-Rab and Alan Berube, The Brookings Institution, February 2009

Check the Color Line: 2009 Income Report (pdf)

Dominique Apollon and Noel Bravo, Applied Research Center and the Center for the Study of Social Policy, February 2009

Rewarding Persistence: Effects of a Performance-Based Scholarhsip Program for Low-Income Parents

Lashawn Richburg-Hayes, Thomas Brock, Allen LeBlanc, Christina Paxson, Cecilia Elena Rouse, and Lisa Barrow, MDRC, January 2009

The Stimulus Package Should Help Workers Get Retrained

Gary Burtless The Brookings Institution, January 2009

Reaching for the Prize: The Limits On Economic Mobility

Julia B. Isaacs and Isabel V. Sawhill, “The Milken Institute Review,” The Brookings Institution, Winter 2008

The Impact of Increases in Pell Grant Awards on College-going among Lower Income Youth

Lois Dickson Rice and David Mundel, The Brookings Institution, December 2008

Targeting Industries, Training Workers and Improving Opportunities: The Final Report from the Sectoral Employment Initiative

Anne Roder with Carol Clymer and Laura Wyckoff, Public/Private Ventures, November 2008

The Next Stage for Social Policy: Encouraging Work and Family Formation among Low-Income Men

Adam Carasso, Harry Holzer, Elaine Maag, and C. Eugene Steuerle, Tax Policy Center, October 2008

The Transformation in Who is Expected to Work in the United States and How it Changed the Lives of Single Mothers and People with Disabilities

Richard Burkhauser, Mary C. Daly, Joyce Kwok and Jeff Larrimore,American Enterprise Institute, October 2008

Job-to-Job Transitions: More Mobility and Security in the Workforce

The Heritage Foundation

Survey on the Middle Class and Public Policy

The Drum Major Institute, August, 2008

Unions and Upward Mobility for African-American Workers

John Schmitt, Center for Economic and Policy Research, March 31, 2008

Bridging the Gaps: A Picture of How Work Supports Work in Ten States

Randy Albelda, the Center for Social Policy at The University of Massachusetts, Boston. Heather Bushey, the Center for Economic and Policy Research, October 2007

Economic Mobility: Is the American Dream Alive and Well?

John E. Morton, Director, Economic Mobility Project. sabel V. Sawhill, Senior Fellow, The Cabot Family Chair and Co-Director, Center on Children and Families, May 2007

One of the largest predictors of poverty is growing up poor. This first report of a series explores the concept of economic mobility from one generation to the next and makes the case that America’s declining intergenerational mobility signals achallenge to the idea of America as a land of opportunity.

Economic Mobility Project: An Initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts

Marvin Kosters, Ph.D., Resident Scholar, Ron Haskins, Ph.D., Senior Fellow and Co-Director, Center on Children and Families, Isabel Sawhill, Ph.D., Senior Fellow and Co-Director, Center on Children and Families, William Beach, Director, Center for Data Analysis, Stuart Butler, Ph.D., Vice President, Domestic and Economic Policy Studies, Eugene Steuerle, Ph.D., Senior Fellow and Co-Director, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Sheila Zedlewski, Director, Income and Benefits Policy Center

Opportunity in America: The Role of Education

Isabel V. Sawhill, Future of Children Policy Brief, Fall 2006

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