Research Archive: Family and Child Well-Being, 2008-2013
Posted on January 1, 2014
Generation Unbound: Drifting into Sex and Parenthood without Marriage
Isabel V. Sawhill, Brookings Institution, September 2014
For Richer, For Poorer: How Family Structures Economic Success in America
W. Bradford Wilcox and Robert I. Lerman , American Enterprise Institute and the Institute for Family Studies, October 2014
Top Ten for 2Gen: Policy Ideas & Principles to Advance Two-Generation Efforts
Anne Mosle, Nisha Patel, and Jennifer Stedron , Ascend at The Aspen Institute, October 2014
The Affordable Care Act: Affording Two-Generation Approaches Health
The Aspen Institute and the National Academy for State Health Policy, September 2014
Considering Two Generation Strategies in the States
Meegan Dugan Bassett , The Working Poor Families Project, September 2014
State Policies through a Two-Generation Lens
Sheila Smith, Mercedes Ekono, and Taylor Robbins , National Center for Children in Poverty, September 2014
How Does Unemployment Affect Family Arrangements for Children?
Stephan Lindner and Elizabeth Peters , Urban Institute, August 2014
Adverse Childhood Experiences: National and State-Level Prevalence
Vanessa Sacks, David Murphey, and Kristin Moore , Child Trends, July 2014
Mother’s Education and Children’s Outcomes: How Dual-Generation Programs Offer Increased Opportunities for America’s Families
Foundation for Child Development, July 2014
Family Complexity, Poverty, and Public Policy
The ANNALS , Volume 654, The American Academy of Political and Social Science, July 2014
Growing Number of Dads Home with the Kids: Biggest Increase among Those Caring for Family
Gretchen Livingston , Pew Research Center, June 2014
Stress and Child Development
Ross A. Thompson , The Future of Children, Volume 24, Number 1 Spring 2014
Helping Parents, Helping Children: Two-Generation Mechanisms
The Future of Children, Volume 24, Number 1 Spring 2014
Marriage, Parenthood, and Public Policy
Ron Haskins , National Affairs, Spring 2014
The Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation: A Family-Strengthening Program for Low-Income Families: Final Impacts from the Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children & Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, April 2014
Study on Children of Seriously Wounded Service Members
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation and the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego, March 2014
Teen Births Are Falling: What’s Going On?
Melissa S. Kearney and Phillip Levine , The Brookings Institution, March 2014
Single Parent Snapshot 2014
Tim Casey , Legal Momentum, March 2014
Young Dads and Disadvantage
Institute for Research on Poverty and the Morgridge Center for Public Service, February 2014
Reducing Teen Childbearing among Latinos: An Innovative Anti-Poverty Strategy
Child Trends, December 2013
Through the Eyes of a Child: Life with a Mother in Prison
Volunteers of America, December 2013
Economic Insecurity in Children’s Lives: Changes Over the Course of the Great Recession
Lisa Dubay and Elena Zarabozo , Urban Institute, September 2013
The Parenting Gap
Richard V. Reeves and Kimberly Howard , Center on Children & Families, The Brookings Institution, September 2013
Divergent Paths of American Families
Zhenchao Qian , US2010 and the Ohio State University Department of Sociology, September 2013
Reducing the Effects of Poverty through Early Childhood Interventions
Katherine Magnuson , Institute for Research on Poverty, August 2013
The Rise of Single Fathers
Pew Research Center, July 2013
KIDS COUNT Data Book 2013
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, June 2013
Food Insecurity in Households with Children: Prevalence, Severity, and Household Characteristics, 2010-2011
Alisha Coleman-Jensen, William McFall and Mark Nord , Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 2013
Map the Meal Gap 2013
Feeding America, June 2013
The Millennial Squeeze
Tamara Draut, The American Prospect, May 2013
The Wealthy Kids Are All Right
Chuck Collins, The American Prospect, May 2013
What About the Kids?
The American Prospect, May 2013
Disconnected Mothers and the Well-Being of Children
Olivia Golden, Marla McDaniel, Pamela J. Loprest and Alexandra Stanczyk, Urban Institute,
May 2013
The APA Task Force on Childhood Poverty: A Strategic Road-Map
American Pediatric Association, May 2013
Social and Economic Characteristics of Currently Unmarried Women with a Recent Birth: 2011
Rachel M. Shattuck and Rose M. Kreider , U.S. Census Bureau, May 2013
Family Complexity and Poverty
Rebekah Ludwig , Institute for Research and Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 2013
Wayward Sons: The Emerging Gender Gap in Labor Markets and Education
David Autor and Melanie Wasserman , Third Way, March 2013
Knot Yet: The Benefits and Costs of Delayed Marriage in America
Jason S. Carroll, Kay Hymowitz, Kelleen Kaye and W. Bradford Wilcox , National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, and the RELATE Institute, March 2013
U.S. Social Policy Dependence on the Family
Henry Potrykus and Patrick Fagan, Marriage and Religion Research Institute, February 2013
Strengthening Low-Income Families: A Research Agenda for Parenting, Relationship, and Fatherhood Programs
MDRC, February 2013
Basic Facts About Low-Income Children
Sophia Addy, William Engelhardt and Curtis Skinner National Center for Children in Poverty, January 2013
The Recession’s Ongoing Impact on Children 2012: Indicators of Children’s Economic Well-Being
Julia B. Isaacs and Olivia Healy , First Focus and The Urban Institute, December 2012
Recessions Accelerate Trend of Wives as Breadwinners
Kristin Smith , Carsey Institute, December 2012
Married…without Means
Shawn Fremstad , Center for Economic and Policy Research, November 2012
Young Children at Risk: National and State Prevalence of Risk Factors
Taylor Robbins, Shannon Stagman and Sheila Smith , National Center for Children in Poverty, October 2012
America’s Report Card 2012: Children in the U.S.
First Focus and Save the Children, October 2012
Child Poverty and Its Lasting Consequence
Caroline Ratcliffe and Signe-Mary McKernan , Urban Institute, September 2012
Household Food Security in the United States in 2011
Margaret Andrews, Alisha Coleman-Jensen, Steven Carlson and Mark Nord , USDA Economic Research Service, September 2012
America’s Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2012
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, July 2012
Portrait of Inequality 2012: Hispanic Children in America
Children’s Defense Fund, July 2012
Portrait of Inequality 2012: Black Children in America
Children’s Defense Fund, July 2012
KIDS COUNT Data Book 2012
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, July 2012
A Pregnancy Test for Schools: The Impact of Education Laws on Pregnant and Parenting Students
Jenny Egan and Lara S. Kaufmann, National Women’s Law Center, June 2012
The Characteristics and Circumstances of Teen Fathers: At the Birth of Their First Child and Beyond
Mindy E. Scott, Nicole R. Steward-Streng, Jennifer Manlove and Kristin A. Moore, Child Trends, June 2012
Map the Meal Gap: Child Food Insecurity 2012
Feeding America, June 2012
Expecting Better: A State-by-State Analysis of Laws That Help New Parents
National Partnership for Women and Families, May 2012
Stepping Up for Kids: What Government and Communities Should Do to Support Kinship Families
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, May 2012
Policy Solutions for Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy
Adam Thomas, The Brookings Institution, March 2012
The Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation: Early Impacts on Low-Income Families
JoAnn Hsueh, Desiree Principe Alderson, Erika Lundquist, Charles Michalopoulos, Daniel Gubits, David Fein and Virginia Knox, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, February 2012
The SNAP Vaccine: Boosting Children’s Health
Children’s HealthWatch, February 2012
When the Bough Breaks: The Effects of Homelessness on Young Children
Child Trends, February 2012
Food Hardship in America 2011
Food Research and Action Center, February 2012
KIDS COUNT Data Snapshot on Children Living in High-Poverty Communities
Annie E. Casey Foundation, February 2012
Basic Facts About Low-income Children, 2010
Sophia Addy and Vanessa R. Wight, National Center for Children in Poverty, February 2012
Hunger and Poverty Hurt African-American Women and Children
Bread for the World Institute, February 2012
It’s Dinnertime: A Report on Low-Income Families’ Efforts to Plan, Shop for and Cook Healthy Meals
Share Our Strength and the ConAgra Foods Foundation, January 2012
Strengthening Economic Security for Children Living in LGBT Families
Movement Advancement Project, the Family Equality Council and the Center for American Progress, January 2012
Toward a Two-Generation Strategy: Voices of American Families
ASCEND at the Aspen Institute, December 2011
A Half-Empty Plate: Fruit and Vegetable Affordability and Access Challenges in America
Food Research and Action Center, December 2011
The Recession’s Ongoing Impact on America’s Children: Indicators of Children’s Economic Well-Being through 2011
Julia B. Isaacs, First Focus, December 2011
Overlooked and Underpaid: Number of Low-Income Working Families Increases to 10.2 Million
Brandon Roberts, Deborah Povich and Mark Mather, The Working Poor Families Project,
Winter 2011-2012
America’s Youngest Outcasts 2010
Ellen L. Bassuk, Christina Murphy, Natalie Thompson Coupe, Rachael R. Kenney and Corey Anne Beach, The National Center on Family Homelessness, December 2011
Tightening Squeeze: The Declining Expenditures on Food by American Households
Jim Weill, Hannah Emple and Rachel Cooper, Food Research and Action Center, December 2011
Overcrowding and Frequent Moves Undermine Children’s Health
Kathryn Bailey, Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, Diana Becker Cutts, John T. Cook, Sharon Coleman, Deborah A. Frank, Children’s HealthWatch, November 2011
Head Start: Supporting Success for Children and Families
National Women’s Law Center, November 2011
Strengthening Families Through Stronger Fathers: Final Impact Report for the Pilot Employment Programs
Kye Lippold and Elaine Sorensen, The Urban Institute, October 2011
Rent Burden, Housing Subsidies and the Well-being of Children and Youth
Yumiko Aratani, Michelle Chau, Vanessa R. Wight and Sophia Addy, National Center for Children in Poverty, November 2011
Today’s Children, Tomorrow’s America: Six Experts Face the Facts
Eugene Steuerle, Robert D. Reischauer, Margaret Simms, Olivia Golden, Kim Rueben and Lisa Dubay , Urban Institute, October 2011
Boost to SNAP Benefits Protected Young Children’s Health
Elizabeth L. March, Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, Kathryn Bailey, John Cook, Sharon Coleman, Ashley Schiffmiller and Deborah A. Frank, Children’s HealthWatch, October 2011
Hunger in America: Suffering We all Pay For
Donald S. Shepard, Elizabeth Setren and Donna Cooper, Center for American Progress,
October 2011
More Poor Kids in More Poor Places: Children Increasingly Live Where Poverty Persist
Kenneth M. Johnson, Marybeth J. Mattingly and Andrew Schaefer, Carsey Institute,
October 2011
Work-Family Conflict: Look to Employers and Communities for Solutions
Ron Haskins, Jane Waldfogel and Sara McLanahan, The Future of Children, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and The Brookings Institution, Fall 2011
Future of Children Journal: Work and Family
The Future of Children, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and The Brookings Institution, V. 21 No. 2, Fall 2011
Beds Not Buses: Housing vs. Transportation for Homeless Students
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, September 2011
Reducing Poverty and Increasing Marriage Rates among Latinos and African Americans
Algernon Austin, Economic Policy Institute, September 2011
Hunger and Poverty among Latino Immigrant Children
Bread for the World Institute, September 2011
Household Food Security in the United States in 2010
Alisha Coleman-Jensen, Mark Nord, Margaret Andrews and Steven Carlson, USDA Economic Research Service, September 2011
Map the Meal Gap: Child Food Insecurity 2011
Feeding America, August 2011
Six Ways that States and School Districts Can Make It Easier for Children in Foster Care to Get Free Meals at School
Nate Frentz and Zoe Neuberger, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, August 2011
Food Hardship in America 2010: Households with and without Children
Food Research and Action Center, August 2011
KIDS COUNT Data Book 2011
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, August 2011
The Marginalization of Marriage in Middle America
W. Bradford Wilcox and Andrew J. Cherlin,
Center on Children and Families, The Brookings Institution, August 2011
US Housing Insecurity and the Health of Very Young Children
Diana Becker Cutts; Alan F. Meyers; Maureen M. Black; Patrick H. Casey; Mariana Chilton; T. Cook; Joni Geppert; Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba; Timothy Heeren; Sharon Coleman; Ruth Rose-Jacobs and Deborah A. Frank, American Journal of Public Health,
August 2011, Vol 101, No. 8
State of America’s Children 2011
Children’s Defense Fund, July 2011
Restoring Work by Poor Fathers
Lawrence M. Mead and Ron Haskins, Center on Children & Families, The Brookings Institution, July 2011
House WIC Cuts Would End Food Assistance for 300,000 to 450,000 Low-Income Women and Children
Zoe Neuberger and Robert Greenstein, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, June 2011
Supporting Fathers
Medicaid Works: A Review of How Public Insurance Protects the Health and Finances of Children and Other Vulnerable Populations
Leighton Ku and Christine Ferguson, First Focus, June 2011
Protecting Children in Tough Economic Times: What Can the United States Learn from Britain?
Jane Waldfogel, First Focus, June 2011
Federal Programs that Protect Young Children’s Health
Children’s HealthWatch, June 2011
Child Care Choices of Low-Income Working Families
Ajay Chaudry, Juan Pedroza, Heather Sandstrom, Anna Danziger, Michel Grosz, Molly M. Scott and Sarah Ting, Urban Institute, May 2011
Young Disadvantaged Men: Father, Families, Poverty, and Policy
Not Working: Unemployment Among Married Couples
Poor Children by Parents’ Nativity: What Do We Know?
National Center for Children in Poverty, April 2011
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