
Research Archive: Asset Building, 2005-2013

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Asset-Oriented Rental Assistance

Hannah Emple, New America Foundation, December 2013


Leveraging Wealth: Building Wealth, Security and Opportunity for Family Well-Being

Hannah Thomas, Janet Boguslaw, Alexis Mann, and Thomas Shapiro, Institute on Assets and Social Policy, November 2013


Wealth Gap Report

U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, September 2013


Emergency Savings for Low-Income Consumers

J. Michael Collins and Leah Gjertson, Institute for Research on Poverty, August 2013


Personal Savings and Tax Reform: Principles and Policy Proposals for Reforming the Tax Code

Reid Cramer and Elliot Schreur, Assets and Education Initiative, July 2013


Building Expectations, Delivering Results: Asset-Based Financial Aid and the Future of Higher Education

Assets and Education Initiative, July 2013


Boosting Economic Mobility Through Prized-Linked Savings

Stuart M. Butler, David C. John and Sean Rust, The Heritage Foundation,May 2013


Wasted Wealth: The Foreclosure Epidemic, a Generational Crisis for Communities of Color

Ben Henry, Jill Reese and Angel Torres, Alliance for a Just Society, Home Defenders League and The New Bottom Line,May 2013


A Rise in Wealth for the Wealthy; Declines for the Lower 93%

Richard Fry and Paul Taylor, The Pew Charitable Trusts,April 2013


Less Than Equal: Racial Disparities in Wealth Accumulation

Signe-Mary McKernan, Caroline Ratcliffe, C. Eugene Steuerle and Sisi Zhang, Urban Institute,
April 2013

Encouraging Savings for Low- and Moderate-Income Individuals

Gilda Azurdia, Stephen Freedman, Gayle Hamilton and Caroline Schultz, MDRC,April 2013


Rebuilding American Success: Savings and Opportunity for All

CFED,April 2013


Lost Generations? Wealth Building Among the Young

C. Eugene Steuerle, Urban Institute,March 2013


Helping Working Families Build Wealth at Tax Time

Joe Valenti, Center for American Progress,February 2013


The Roots of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap: Explaining the Black-White Economic Divide

Thomas Shapiro, Tatjana Meschede and Sam Osoro, Institute on Assets and Social Policy,
February 2013

2013 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard

Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), January 2013


Improving Economic Mobility Through Increased Savings

Diane Calmus, The Heritage Foundation, December 2012


State Asset Limit Reforms and Implications for Federal Policy

Rachel Black and Aleta Sprague, New America Foundation, October 2012


The Student Debt Crisis

Anne Johnson, Tobin Van Ostern and Abraham White, Center for American Progress and Campus Progress, October 2012


Safety Net or Windfall? Examining Changes to Income-Based Repayment for Federal Student Loans

Jason Delisle and Alex Holt, New America Foundation, October 2012


Recent Gains and Losses on 12 Scorecard Policy Priorities

Corporation for Enterprise Development–CFED, October 2012


A Record One-in-Five Households Now Owe Student Loan Debt

Richard Fry, Pew Research Center, September 2012


Integrating Financial Empowerment Strategies into Housing and Homelessness Prevention Programs

Jennifer Medina, Jennifer Brooks and Rick Haughey, Corporation for Enterprise Development-CFED, September 2012


Weathering the Recession: The Financial Crisis and Family Wealth Changes in Low-Income Neighborhoods

Leah Hendey, Signe-Mary McKernan and Beadsie Woo, The Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Urban Institute, August 2012


The Case for Extending Financial Inclusion to Children: The Role of Parents’ Financial Resources and Implications for Policy Innovations

Terri Friedline, New America Foundation, May 2012


The Plastic Safety Net

Amy Traub and Catherine Ruetschlin, Dēmos, May 2012


Take the Money and Run? A Case Study of Non-Qualified Withdrawals in Children’s Savings Accounts

Carl Rist, Brigitte Gavin and Sean Luechtefeld, Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), May 2012


The Assets Report 2012: An Assessment of the Federal “Asset-Building” Budget

Reid Cramer, Rachel Black and Justin King, New America Foundation, April 2012


Overcoming Obstacles to College Attendance and Degree Completion: Toward a Pro-College Savings Agenda

Rachel Black and Mark Huelsman, New America Foundation, March 2012


2012 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard: A Portrait of Financial Insecurity and Policies to Rebuild Prosperity in America

Jennifer brooks and Kasey Wiedrich, Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED),
January 2012


Does Structural Inequality Begin with a Bank Account?

William Elliott III, New America Foundation, January 2012


Why Policymakers Should Care about Children’s Savings

William Elliott III, New America Foundation, January 2012


Beyond Barriers: Designing Attractive Savings Accounts for Lower-Income Consumers

Pamela Chan, New America Foundation, November 2011

A Kindergarten to College (K2C): A First-in-the-Nation Initiative to Set All Kindergartners on the Path to College

Leigh Phillips, San Francisco Office of Financial Empowerment, and Anne Stuhldreher, New America Foundation, September 2011

Twenty-to-One: Wealth Gaps Rise to Record Highs Between Whites, Blacks and Hispanics

Rakesh Kochhar, Richard Fry and Paul Taylor, Pew Research Center, July 2011


Taking Asset Building and Earnings Incentives to Scale in HUD-Assisted Rental Housing

Jeffrey Lubell and Reid Cramer, Center for Housing Policy and the New America Foundation,
July 2011

The Assets Report 2011

Reid Cramer and Rachel Black, New America Foundation, June 2011


Discrediting America: The Urgent Need to Reform the Nation’s Credit Reporting Industry

Amy Traub and Shawn Fremsted, Dēmos, June 2011


Homeownership and Individual Development Accounts

Reid Cramer, New America Foundation, May 2011


Savings and Hardship Avoidance Among Households Headed by People with Disabilities: Implications for SSI

Gregory B. Mills and Sisi Zhang, Urban Institute, May 2011


Family Income Sources for Older Persons, 2009

Ke Bin Wu, AARP Public Policy Institute, May 2011


Promoting Defiant Apples: Exploring the Potential of an Economic Mobility Policy Agenda

Ray Boshara, New American Foundation, April 2011


Diverging Pathways: How Wealth Shapes Opportunity for Children

Insight Center for Community Economic Development, April 2011


A Voluntary Default Savings Plan: An Effective Supplement to Social Security

Dean Baker and David Rosnick, Center for Economic and Policy Research, February 2011


Can Savings Help Overcome Income Instability?

Gregory Mills and Joe Amick, The Urban Institute, January 2011

Building Economic Security in America’s Cities: New Municipal Strategies for Asset Building and Financial Empowerment

Corporation for Enterprise Development, January 2011

The Saver’s Bonus: A Proposal to Support Savings by Working Families at Tax Time

Reid Cramer, The Asset Building Program, New America Foundation, December 2010

The Assets Agenda 2011: Policy Options to Promote Savings and Asset Development

Reid Cramer, Alejandra Lopez-Fernandini, Lindsay Guge, Justin King, and Jamie Zimmerman The Asset Building Program, New America Foundation, September 2010

Upside Down: The $400 Billion Federal Asset-Building Budget

Beadsie Woo,The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Ida Rademacher, CFED, and Jillien Meier,The Annie E. Casey Foundation Corporation for Enterprise Development and the Annie E. Casey Foundation, September 2010

Lessons from SEED, a National Demonstration of Child Development Accounts

Center for Social Development, Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), Initiative on Financial Security at the Aspen Institute, New America Foundation and the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, September 2010

The Color of Debt: Credit Card Debt by Race and Ethnicity

Jose Garcia, Demos, August 2010

Unbanked by Choice: A Look at How Low-Income Los Angeles Households Manage the Money They Earn

The Pew Health Group, July 2010

Quick Credit: The Fringe Economy, the Great Recession, and the Welfare State

David Stoesz, Virginia Commonwealth University and PolicyAmerica, New America Foundation, August 2010

Assets & Opportunity Special Report: The Financial Security of Households with Children

Kasey Wiedrich, Stephen Crawford and Leigh Tivol, Corporation for Enterprise Development, May 2010

The Assets Report 2010

Reid Cramer, Mark Huelsman, Justin King, Alejandra Lopez-Fernandini and David Newville, New America Foundation, April 2010

Weathering the Storm: Have IDAs Helped Low-Income Homebuyers Avoid Foreclosure? (pdf)

Ida Rademacher and Kasey Wiedrich, Corporation for Enterprise Development and Signe-Mary McKernan and Megan Gallagher, the Urban Institute, April 2010

The State of Opportunity, 2009

The Opportunity Agenda, January 2010

A Penny Saved is Mobility Earned: Advancing Economic Mobility Through Savings

Reid Cramer, Rourke O’Brien, Daniel Cooper and Maria Luengo-Prado, Economic Mobility Project and the New America Foundation, November 2009

Are Families Prepared for Financial Emergencies?

Caroline Ratcliffe and Katie Vinopal, The Urban Institute, September 2009

Hitting Bottom? An Updated Analysis of Rents and the Price of Housing in 100 Metropolitan Areas(pdf)

Danilo Pelletiere, Hye Jin Rho and Dean Baker, Center for Economic Policy Research and National Low-Income Housing Coalition, August 2009

Asset Building in Low-Income Communities of Color, Part 2

Wilhelmina A. Leigh and Anna L. Wheatley, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, July 2009

The Assets Report 2009

Reid Cramer and Collin Siu, The New America Foundation, July 2009

Desperate Homeowners: Loan Mod Scammers Step in When Loan Servicers Refuse to Provide Relief(pdf)

Lauren K. Saunders, Andrew G. Pizor and Tara Twomey, National Consumer Law Center, July 2009

Asset Building in Low-income Communities of Color, Part 1

Wilhelmina A. Leigh, Lauren M. Ross, Anna L. Wheatley and Danielle Huff, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, March 2009

Rental Assistance Asset Accounts

Reid Cramer and Jeffrey Lubell, New America Foundation, January 2009

Massachusetts Asset Development Commission Progress Report (pdf)

Massachusetts Asset Development Commission, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, December 2008

Access to Financial Services, Savings, and Assets Among the Poor(pdf)

Michael S. Barr and Rebecca M. Blank, National Poverty Center, November 2008

The Assets Agenda: Policy Options to Promote Savings and Asset Ownership by Low- and Moderate-Income Americans

Alejandra Lopez-Fernandini, Reid Cramer and Rourke O’Brien, New America Foundation, September 2008

Return on Investment: Getting more from Federal Asset-Building Policies

Corporation for Enterprise Development, 2008

Portraits of the Assets and Liabilities of Low-Income Families

J. Adam Carasso and Signe-Mary McKernan, The Urban Institute, May 2008

Return on Investment: Getting more from Federal Asset-Building Policies

Corporation for Enterprise Development, 2008

Improving Opportunities and Incentives for Saving by Middle- and Low-Income Households

William G. Gale, Jonathan Gruber, Peter R. Orszag, April 2006

Impact of Asset Ownership on Social Inclusion

M. Lombe and M. Sherraden, 2005

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