
October 9 -10, 2011: Time/Abt SRBI Poll—Nationwide poll on how government assistance impacts America globally.

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(Would you say each of the following is having a major impact, minor impact or is it having little impact on America’s decline in the world?)…People not working as hard as they should because of government programs such as welfare and unemployment benefits.

60% Major impact

18% Minor impact

18% Little impact

5% No answer/Don۪t know

Methodology: Conducted by Abt SRBI, October 9 – October 10, 2011 and based on 1,001 telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. [USSRBI.101311.R15D]

Formal Citation

Time/Abt SRBI Poll, Oct, 2011.

Retrieved Oct-20-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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