
November 8- 10, 2011: McClatchy/Marist Poll—Nationwide poll on whether low-income people should pay in taxes.

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Do you think people who are poor, and earnbelow a certain income, should be required to pay taxes on what they earn orshould they be exempt from paying income taxes?

60%      Yes

37%      No

  3%     Don۪t know/Refused

Methodology: Conducted by Marist CollegeInstitute for Public Opinion, November 8 – November 10, 2011 and based on 1,026telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. Interviews were conducted bylandline and cell phones. [USMARIST.111811M.R13]


McClatchy/Marist Poll, Nov, 2011. RetrievedDec-8-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public OpinionResearch, University of Connecticut.


 (A flat rate tax system applies one tax rateto all income. Under a flat rate tax system, do you think each of the followingwould pay higher taxes, lower taxes, or about the same amount of taxes as theypay now?)…The poor

52%      Higher taxes

18%      Lower taxes

25%      Same amount of taxes

  5%      Unsure

Methodology: Conducted by Marist CollegeInstitute for Public Opinion, November 8 – November 10, 2011 and based on 1,026telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. Interviews were conducted bylandline and cell phones. [USMARIST.111811M.R12]


McClatchy/Marist Poll, Nov, 2011. RetrievedDec-8-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public OpinionResearch, University of Connecticut.

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