
November 6 – Preventing a “Shecession”: The Path to Economic Resiliency for Women

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Join the Aspen Institute for a conversation about how the downturn triggered by the COVID-19 crisis has taken an unprecedented toll on women, specifically women of color. In recent months, due to job loss and/or lack of childcare, women have been forced out of the workforce in droves. If left unmitigated, this “shecession” could jeopardize hard-fought advances in the labor force. Join the Socrates Program for a webinar to discuss the systemic failures and inequities that have engendered this crisis, and the opportunity that we have to create change and emerge from the COVID-19 crisis with a robust economy that catalyzes future growth and stability and supports women in the workforce now and in the future. The event will take place on Friday, November 6 at 2 p.m. EST.

Click here to register.

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