
November 10- 14, 2011: PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey—Nationwide poll on cutting federal funding for programs benefiting low-income people to reduce the deficit.

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Pleasetell me if you would favor or oppose each of the following to help reduce thenation’s budget deficit. Do you favor or oppose…cutting federal funding forsocial programs that help the poor?

28%      Favor

67%      Oppose

4%       Don۪t know/Refused

Methodology: Conducted by PublicReligion Research Institute, November 10 – November 14, 2011 and based on 1,002telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. Interviews were conducted by SSRS- Social Science Research Solutions. [USPRRI.11RELNEWSNV10.R9A]


PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, Nov, 2011. Retrieved Dec-1-2011 fromthe iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University ofConnecticut.

NowI am going to read you a series of statements on some different topics. Foreach statement, please tell me if you completely agree with it, mostly agreewith it, mostly disagree with it or completely disagree with it….Poor peoplehave become too dependent on government assistance programs….Do youcompletely agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree, or completely disagree?

42%      Completely agree

29%      Mostly agree

16%      Mostly disagree

11%      Completely disagree

2%       Don۪t know/Refused

Methodology: Conducted by PublicReligion Research Institute, November 10 – November 14, 2011 and based on 1,002telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. Interviews were conducted by SSRS- Social Science Research Solutions. [USPRRI.11RELNEWSNV10.R7A]


PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, Nov, 2011. Retrieved Dec-1-2011 fromthe iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University ofConnecticut.


(Please tell me if you would favor or opposeeach of the following to help reduce the nation’s budget deficit.) Do you favoror oppose…cutting federal funding for religious organizations that help thepoor?

29%      Favor

66%      Oppose

  5%     Don۪t know/Refused

Methodology: Conducted by Public ReligionResearch Institute, November 10 – November 14, 2011 and based on 1,002telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. Interviews were conducted by SSRS- Social Science Research Solutions. [USPRRI.11RELNEWSNV10.R9B]


PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, Nov, 2011.Retrieved Dec-8-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for PublicOpinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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