May 19, 2014: Associated Press/National Opinion Research Center–Nationwide Poll of Adults Over 40 Years old on Perceptions of Medicaid
“Medicaid is a governmenthealth care coverage program for low income people and people with certaindisabilities. Do you think you will need Medicaid to help pay for your ongoingliving assistance expenses as you grow older or not?”
yes 41%
no 53%
don’t know 6%
“How much responsibilityshould Medicaid have for paying for the costs of ongoing living assistance?”
very large/ large 38%
moderate 37%
small/ none at all 19%
“Now I am going to read alist of support systems that might provide help for you as you age. How much helpdo you think the Medicaid system, which provides health care coverage forlow-income adults and people with certain disabilities will provide to you asyou age a great deal, quite a bit, a moderate amount, only a little, or not atall?”
a great deal 10%
quite a bit 7%
a moderate amount 28%
only a little 22%
none at all 26%
via Polling the Nations
Universe:Country:United States
Method:telephone:landline and cell phone
Sample Size:1419 Term Care/AP-NORC LTC topline_v11.pdf