May 16-20, 2012: NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll—Nationwide poll on perception of Mitt Romney۪s ability to make sure worker۪s rights and working conditions are protected.
(Mitt Romney has been a business executive for most of his professional life. How much difference do you feel that his background and experience would make in dealing with each of the following kinds of issues if he is elected president (in 2012)–would his background be a major advantage in this area, a minor advantage, a minor disadvantage, a major disadvantage, or would it not matter either way?)…Making sure that worker’s rights and working conditions are protected
27% Major advantage
21% Minor advantage
11% Minor disadvantage
15% Major disadvantage
23% No difference
3% Not sure<?xml:namespace prefix = o />
Survey by NBC News, Wall Street Journal. Methodology: Conducted by Hart and McInturff Research Companies, May 16 – May20, 2012 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. The sample included 250 respondents who use a cell phone only. [USNBCWSJ.12MAY.R26E]
Formal Citation
NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, May, 2012. Retrieved Aug-9-2012 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for PublicOpinion Research, University of Connecticut.