March 7-10, 2013: Gallup Poll—Nationwide poll on how worried people are about hunger and homelessness
(Next, I am going to read a list of problems facing the country. For each one, please tell me if you personally worry about this problem a great deal, a fair amount, only a little, or not at all.) How much do you personally worry about…hunger and homelessness?
43% Great Deal
32% Fair Amount
25% A little/Not at all
Methodology: Conducted byGallup Organization, March 7 – March 10, 2013 and based on 1,022 telephone interviews.Sample: National adult. Interviews were conducted with respondents on landlinetelephones for respondents with a landline telephone, and cellular phones forrespondents who are cell phone only. [USGALLUP.032613.R01I]
Formal Citation
Gallup Poll, Mar, 2013.Retrieved Apr-16-2013 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for PublicOpinion Research, University of Connecticut.