March 4 March 18, 2013: Pew Global Attitudes Project Poll—Nationwide poll on the gap between the rich and the poor
Do you think the gap between therich and the poor in the United States has increased, decreased, or stayed thesame in the last five years?
66% Increased
5% Decreased
25% Stayed the same
3% Don’t know/Refused
Surveyby Pew Global Attitudes Project. Methodology: Conducted by Princeton SurveyResearch Associates International, March 4 – March 18, 2013 and based on 1,002telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. The interviews included landlineand cell-phone-only respondents. Parallel surveys were conducted in 38 othercountries. [USPSRA.052313G.R022]
Do you think…the gap betweenthe rich and the poor is a very big problem, a moderately big problem, a smallproblem or not a problem at all in our country?
47% Very big problem
27% Moderately big problem
14% Small problem
9% Not a problem atall
3% Don’t know/Refused
Surveyby Pew Global Attitudes Project. Methodology: Conducted by Princeton Survey ResearchAssociates International, March 4 – March 18, 2013 and based on 1,002 telephoneinterviews. Sample: National adult. The interviews included landline andcell-phone-only respondents. Parallel surveys were conducted in 38 othercountries. [USPSRA.052313G.R022]
Which one of these issues is themost important for the government to address first–rising prices, a lack ofemployment opportunities, the gap between the rich and poor or public debt?
9% Rising prices
41% Lack of employmentopportunities
17% Gap between the richand the poor
28% Public debt
3% All equallyimportant (Vol.)
1% None (Vol.)
1% Other (Vol.)
1% Don’t know/Refused
Surveyby Pew Global Attitudes Project. Methodology: Conducted by Princeton SurveyResearch Associates International, March 4 – March 18, 2013 and based on 1,002telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. The interviews included landlineand cell-phone-only respondents. Parallel surveys were conducted in 38 othercountries. [USPSRA.052313G.R022]
Formal Citation
PewGlobal Attitudes Project Poll, Mar, 2013. Retrieved May-29-2013 from the iPOLLDatabank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University ofConnecticut.