
March 4-7, 2013: YG Network Survey—Nationwide poll on what areas of the federal budget should be changed in order to cut spending

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As you may know, the largest items in the federal budget are Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors, Social Security, welfare programs and the military. If you had to choose one, which of the following programs would you be willing to change in order to cut spending?

44%                                   Welfare programs

32%                                   Military

8%                                     Social Security

6%                                     Medicare

10%                                   Don’t know/Refused

Survey by YG Network.Methodology: Conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, March 4 – March 7, 2013and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: National likely voters. Likelyvoters are very/somewhat likely to vote in the 2014 election. 700 respondentswere interviewed on landline telephones, and 300 respondents reached via theInternet were interviewed on cell phones. These samples were then combined andstructured to correlate with actual voter turnout in a nationwide general election.[USMCLAUG.13YGNET.R21]

Formal Citation

YG Network Survey, Mar,2013. Retrieved Apr-16-2013 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center forPublic Opinion Research, University of Connecticut. 


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