March 4, 2013: Harris Interactive — Nationwide poll on Food Stamps
“For each of the following government services,please indicate how strongly you support the policy or service. Medicaid, thehealth insurance program for people with very low incomes.”
39% Great Deal
38% Somewhat
17% Not Very Much
6% Not At All
“For each of the following government services,please indicate how strongly you support the policy or service. Head Start, theprogram which provides assistance to low-income children and their families.”
36% Great Deal
39% Somewhat
17% Not Very Much
8% Not At All
“For each of the following government services, please indicatehow strongly you support the policy or service. Unemployment benefits.”
35% Great Deal
42% Somewhat
18% Not Very Much
5% Not At All
“For each of the followinggovernment services, please indicate how strongly you support the policy orservice. Food stamps.”
24% Great Deal
47% Somewhat
23% Not Very Much
6% Not At All
via Polling the Nation
Universe: Country: United States
Method: online
Sample Size: 2266