
March 16-21, 2010: Quinnipiac University Poll—Nationwide poll of registered voters solicits the public۪s views on cutting spending on Social Security benefits to reduce the deficit.

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“Do youthink–cutting the growth of spending on Social Security benefits should orshould not be a main part of any government approach to the deficit?”



19%     Should


77%     Should not


4%       Don’t know/Noanswer


Subpopulation/Note: .


Methodology: Conducted by Quinnipiac University PollingInstitute, March 16 – March 21, 2010 and based on 1,907 telephone interviews.Sample: national registered voters. [USQUINN.032910.R52]



QuinnipiacUniversity Poll, Mar, 2010. Retrieved Nov-9-2010 from the iPOLL Databank, TheRoper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

“Doyou think the government should or should not require all Americans to havehealth insurance, either from their employer or from another source, with taxcredits or other aid to help low-income people pay for it?”


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