
June 9, 2014: Economist/YouGov–Nationwide Poll on Social Security and Unemployment

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“How important are the following issuesto you? Social Security.”

very/somewhatimportant                89%

notvery important/unimportant        11%

“Looking ahead, which would you say ismore likely, that in the country as a whole unemployment rates during the nextyear will increase, decrease or remain about the same?”

alot/ somewhat lower                       28%

aboutthe same                                34%

somewhat/a lot higher                     26%

notsure                                           12%

“Looking ahead, which would you say ismore likely, that in the country as a whole unemployment rates during the nextfive years will increase, decrease or remain about the same?”

alot/ somewhat lower                        33%

aboutthe same                                 24%

somewhat/a lot higher                      27%

notsure                                            16%


viaPolling the Nations

FieldDate – Jun 7-9, 2014

Universe:Country: United States


SampleSize: 1000

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