
June 24-28, 2011: CBS News/New York Times Poll–Nationwide poll solicits public۪s views on federal subsidies for mortgages based on income-level of home buyers.

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Currently,Americans in all income groups are eligible for some kind of home mortgage loansubsidized by the federal government. Who do you think should receive homeloans subsidized by the federal government–all home buyers, only high-incomehome buyers, only middle-income home buyers, only low-income home buyers, or noone?


graph 3.png

24% All Home Buyers


1% Only high-income home buyers


15% Only middle-income home buyers


26% Only low-income home buyers


22% No one


6%  Middle- and low-income home buyers (Vol.)

1% Othercombination (Vol.)


5% Don۪t know/ Noanswer


Methodology: Conducted by CBSNews/New York Times, June 24 – June 28, 2011 and based on 979 telephoneinterviews. Sample: national adult. The interviews were conducted by land-lineand cell phones. [USCBSNYT.062911A.R42]

Formal Citation

CBS News/New York Times Poll, Jun, 2011.Retrieved Jul-8-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for PublicOpinion Research, University of Connecticut. 

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