June 17-20, 2011: Bloomberg Poll—Poll of 1,000 adults surveys concern over deficit reduction plans affecting welfare programs.
Thinking ahead to the election in 2012, which worries you more–Republicanswill gain control of both houses of Congress and the presidency and willimplement their proposed cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and many other domesticprograms, or Democrats will retain the White House and at least one house ofCongress and continue current spending policies.
49% Republicans will gain control of both houses of Congressand the presidency and will implement their proposed cuts to Medicare, Medicaidand many other domestic programs
40% Democrats willretain the White House and at least one house of Congress and continue currentspending policies
11% Not sure
Surveyby Bloomberg. Methodology: Conducted by Selzer & Co., June 17 – June 20,2011 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult.Interviews were conducted by landline and cell phones. [USSELZER.062211B.R13]
Formal Citation
Bloomberg Poll, Jun, 2011. RetrievedJul-8-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public OpinionResearch, University of Connecticut. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/ipoll/ipoll.html