June 12, 2014: Pew Research Center — Nationwide Poll of Views on Government Benefits and Race
“I’m going to read you some pairs ofstatements that will help us understand how you feel about a number of things.As I read each pair, tell me whether the first statement or the secondstatement comes closer to your own views — even if neither is exactly right
Poor people today have it easy becausethey can get government benefits without doing anything in return; or poorpeople have hard lives because government benefits don’t go far enough to helpthem live decently.”
haveit easy 44%
havehard lives 47%
both/neither/ don’t know/ refused 9%
Racial discrimination is the main reasonwhy many black people can’t get ahead these days; or blacks who can’t get aheadin this country are mostly responsible for their own condition.
racialdiscrimination is main reason 27%
blacksare mostly responsible for
their own condition 63%
both/neither/ don’t know/ refused 10%
Thinking about the long term future ofSocial Security, do you think some reductions in benefits for future retireesneed to be considered; or Social Security benefits should not be reduced in anyway? [If benefit reductions need to be considered] Should Social Security bephased out as a government program or maintained at a reduced level? [If SocialSecurity benefits should not be reduced] Should Social Security cover morepeople, with greater benefits; or be kept about as it is?
benefitreductions, phased out 6%
benefitreductions, reduced level 24%
benefitreductions, don’t know 1%
noreductions, cover more people
withgreater benefits 27%
noreductions, be kept as is 37%
noreductions, don’t know 3%
don’tknow/ refused 3%
viaPolling the Nations
Field Date: Jan 23-Mar 16, 2014
Universe: Country: United States
Copyright Info: The Pew ResearchCenter for the People and the Press
Additional Information: The Jan 23-Feb 9, 2014survey interviewed 3341 adults by
telephone;the Feb 12-26, 2014 survey 3337 adults by telephone;
theFeb 27-Mar 16, 2014 survey 3335 adults by telephone; and the
combinedJan 23-Mar 16 survey 10013 adults by telephone. The Mar
19-Apr29 survey interviewed 3308 adults (407 by telephone and
2901by web).