July 15-21, 2014: Kaiser Family Foundation — Nationwide Poll on Kaiser Health Tracking
“Please tell me how closely you have followed these stories that have been in the news recently. Did you follow this story very closely, fairly closely, not too closely, or not at all closely?Debates in the state of Virginia about whether to expand Medicaid.”
very closely 7%
fairly closely 9%
not too closely 20%
not at all closely 62%
don’t know/ refused 1%
via Polling the Nations
Field Date – Jul 15-21, 2014
Universe: Country: United States
Method: telephone: landline and cellphone
Sample Size: 1507
Copyright Info: These reports werereprinted with permission of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation of MenloPark, California. The Kaiser Family Foundation is an independent health carephilanthropy and is not associated with Kaiser Permanente or Kaiser Industries.