July 10, 2014: Harris Poll — Nationwide Poll on Retirement and Healthcare Expenses
“How much do you agree or disagreewith the following statements?”
“I worry about having enough money toretire”
Stronglyagree 36%
Somewhatagree 37%
Somewhatdisagree 17%
Stronglydisagree 9%
“I worry about being able to pay for myhealth care costs when I retire”
Stronglyagree 30%
Somewhatagree 40%
Somewhatdisagree 19%
Stronglydisagree 11%
“I live paycheck to paycheck, so I can’tafford to put money in savings”
Stronglyagree 20%
Somewhatagree 27%
Somewhatdisagree 26%
Stronglydisagree 28%
“I have faith in social security beingthere when I retire”
Stronglyagree 9%
Somewhatagree 27%
Somewhatdisagree 28%
Stronglydisagree 38%
Field Date: May 14-19, 2014
Universe: Country: United States
Additional Information: 2,286 adults surveyedonline