January 27-February 8, 2009: Pew Economic Mobility and the American Dream Survey—Nationwide survey solicits the public’s views on welfare reform.
“(Now I am going to read you some steps the government could take in improving economic mobility in this country and giving people the opportunity to improve their chances of moving up the income ladder or the chances of their children. For each one I read, please tell me if you believe this would be very effective, somewhat effective, not very effective or not effective at all.)…Reforming welfare”

46% Very effective
32% Somewhat effective
10% Not very effective
9% Not at all effective
5% Don۪t know/refused
Subpopulation/Note: .
Survey by Pew Economic Mobility Project. Methodology: Interviewing conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research & Public Opinion Strategies, January 27 – February 8, 2009 and based on 2,119 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult with oversamples of blacks, hispanics and youth under age 40. Results were weighted to be representative of a national adult population. [USGREEN.09ECONM.R79]
Formal Citation
Pew Economic Mobility and the American Dream Survey, Jan, 2009. Retrieved Sep-9-2010 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/ipoll/ipoll.html