
January 23, 2014: CBS News — Nationwide poll on Wealth Distribution

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“Should the government do more to reduce the gap between the rich and thepoor in this country, or is this something the government should not be doing?”

                                        Total    Republican  Democrat Independent
            ReduceGap        49%        22%             68%         50%
             ShouldNot          45%       75%             24%         44%
  Don’t Know/No Answer  6%         3%                 8%           5%

“Doyou think the gap between the rich and the poor in the US is getting larger,getting smaller, or has it stayed the same?”
                                        Total   Republican  Democrat  Independent
                Larger             70%      56%            73%        75%
               Smaller              5%        7%               3%            6%
                  Same             24%      36%             22%          18%
  Don’t Know/ No Answer  2%        2%               3%            2%

 ViaPolling the Nations


Universe: Country: United States
Method: telephone: landline and cell phone
Sample Size: 1018
Copyright Info: Reproduced with permission.

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