
February 14, 2014: Marist College Institute for Public Opinion — Nationwide poll on Economic Stimulus

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“Which one of the followinggroups is most likely to be left behind by government policies: the poor, themiddle class, or the rich?”
40%     Poor
55%     Middle Class
4%       Rich           


“In this country right now,do you think people who work hard have a good chance of improving theirstandard of living; or still have a hard time maintaining their standard ofliving?”

31%     Good Chance of Improving

68%     Hard TimeMaintaining



“In order to help theeconomy and move the nation forward, do you think the focus of governmentshould be more on raising minimum wage and providing job training andeducation, or more on cutting corporate taxes and reducing regulations onbusinesses?”
61%     Raising MinimumWage

35%     Cutting Corporate Taxes

Via Polling the Nations


Universe: Country:Continental United States
Method: telephone: landline and cell phone
Sample Size: 1197
Copyright Info: Reproduced with permission from the Marist Institute for PublicOpinion, Marist College

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