
February 12, 2014: Fox Broadcasting Company — Nationwide poll on Wealth Distribution

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“Doyou feel the federal government is: providing too many services for too manypeople, providing about the right amount of services to the right number ofpeople, or providing too few services to too few people?”

54%     TooMany
19%     About Right

24%     TooFew


“Over the last five years, do you thinkthe federal government۪s policies have increased or decreased the income gapbetween the rich and everyone else?”
60%     Increased

25%     Decreased             

10%     No Difference (vol.)


“Do you think it is a good idea or abad idea for the federal government to make policies that spread the wealthfrom the people who make more money to the people who make less?”
39%     Good Idea
55%     Bad Idea

ViaPolling the nation


Universe:Country: United States
Method: telephone
Sample Size: 1006
Copyright Info: Fox News
Additional Information: Registered voters interviewed by landline (n=629) andcell phone 

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