
Ending energy poverty need not come at the expense of a safe climate future

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Since 2000, more than a billion people gained access to electricity. The door of economic opportunity has been opened up for billions more through improved access to power.

But the overwhelming majority of this electricity came from fossil fuels  mostly coal — adding billions of tons of heat-trapping emissions to the atmosphere.

That’s why The Rockefeller Foundation, IKEA Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund, working with nearly two dozen partners and agencies, came together at Cop26 to launch the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP). Our mission is to consign this impasse to history by empowering a billion people with renewable energy, avoiding at least 4 billion tons of emissions over the next decade.

More broadly, we believe that energy transition should no longer be seen as a costly imposition on development. Rather transition can be an engine of economic progress and job creation.

We want to ensure that the transformative potential of clean and distributed power benefit everyone. To this end we will work deeply with countries that have chosen a clean development pathway to support the implementation of their vision.

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